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CRS 471 – Express Entry draw, the largest in the history of Express Entry draws



In the October 14 Express Entry draw for immigration to Canada nearly 4,500 candidates were issued invitations to apply (ITA). It was an all-program draw in which candidates in the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW), Canadian Experience Class (CEC), Federal Skilled Trades (FST) programs, including Provincial Nominees were considered. The cut-off threshold for this draw held steady at 471 points in the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score. Profiles at 471 points submitted after September 1, 2020 were considered for the cut-off score at 12:11:23 UTC.

The pattern of this all-program draw resembles the pre-COVID times & represents the fourth consecutive all-program draw. For now, we can very well say Express Entry has returned to its pre-pandemic roots!

In Canada immigration remains a top economic priority. It is necessary to address the impacts of an aging population. Canada’s immigration policy is highly susceptible to the effects of regional and global events. The immigration policies and programs open, close and transform year-to-year and sometimes day-to-day especially in 2020. The policies change when the economic and demographic needs of different locations shift. Express Entry system was built to transform and change & respond to external events in Canada and around the world.

The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the severe examples of world events but it has not pushed Express Entry into chaos, but Express Entry has built to adapt. We are yet to know if FSW will be considered in the next draw and what selection criteria may be considered in two, five, or ten years from now. All we can do is combat with the catastrophic events of the world around us, and watch out for the next Canada Express Entry draw!

For more details on Canada Immigration contact us at M & G Education & Immigration Consultants.






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