It is record-breaking numbers that have come out recently from Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). According to the release the number of immigrants that have been welcomed to the country exceeded over 437,000 new permanent residents in the year 2022. In our experience as one of the best Immigration Consultants in Kerala, these numbers are by far the highest.
The numbers are certainly higher as the target they had set was 431,645. This means the new immigrant numbers mark an all-time high for Canadian permanent residence admission in a single year. When compared to the previous year 2021 which recorded over 405,000 new immigrants this has gone way past the desired numbers. Sean Fraser, the Immigration Minister has welcomed these numbers as he acknowledges that newcomers play a very crucial role in filling labor shortages faced by the country. He was also of the view that newcomers bring in new perspectives and talents to the country thereby contributing to the total enrichment of Canadian society.
According to recent data IRCC has processed around 5.2 million applications across all lines in the year 2022 which includes applications for Permanent residence, temporary residence, and citizenship. The numbers seem to have doubled from the previous year 2021.
One of the primary reasons for these increasing numbers has been the new resources and technology that have helped streamline the application process which has been online. It has also been a good move by the government to commit $50 million to IRCC for the year 2022-23 to address the ongoing backlog of applications. At present, the number of applications stands at 1.09 million across all lines of business.
Let’s take a look at Canada’s immigration plans for 2023 – 2025.
As for the current scenario and crisis faced by the country of the aging population where nine million Canadians will reach the retirement age of 65 by 2023, the immigration level plans for 2023-2025 are set to be very ambitious. At present, the target numbers are set to 500,000 new permanent residents each year by 2025. The target for the year 2023 has been set to 465,000.
Canada’s labor force is growing dependent on immigration and there are nearly 1 million job vacancies in the country. The aging population workforce means that the worker-to-retiree ratio is expected to shift from 7 to 1 which was 50 years ago to 2 to 1 by the year 2035. More the latest statistics indicate that the country has one of the lowest global birth rates at 1.4 children per woman.
With all these numbers it is worth noting that according to the 2021 census on immigration 1.3 million new permanent residents arrived in Canada between 2016 to 2021 and it is expected that in the coming near future immigrants will account for 36% of Canada’s population by 2036.
Final Thoughts:
The records indicate that the job market in Canada for skilled workers has been up and will still show a steep climb in the coming years to come as there is an acute shortage of labor force in the country. With more immigrants to be welcomed to the country there stand higher and better opportunities if Canada is your destination to migrate to.